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Bernoulli Society Bulletin e-Briefs

Issue 62, September 2024




For information to be considered in the next issue, please contact Alessia Caponera by October 30th.


World Congress and Bernoulli 50

With more than 900 registered participants, the 11th Bernoulli-IMS World Congress in Bochum was one of the most well attended in history. The Scientific and Local organisers did a remarkable job of putting together a memorable event, confirming the status of the World Congress as the premier event in our disciplines. Our Society is grateful for the tremendous volunteer effort of so many colleagues. This Congress also served as the occasion to celebrate the Golden Jubilee (50 years) of the Bernoulli Society, in a special event combined with our GA. With nearly 200 participants, this was one the best attended GAs in the Society’s history, as is fitting to the occasion. You can watch the commemorative video, the Bernoulli Society Presidential Address that opened the event, and W.S. Kendall’s reflections on the Society’s second quarter-century, by following the corresponding hyperlinks. A collection of video interviews with several Past Presidents and Scientific Secretaries has also been curated as part of our 50 year commemorations, and will be soon made available on our website.

50 year logo


Announcing The David Cox Medal for Statistics

Along with the American Statistical Association (ASA), the International Biometric Society (IBS), the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (IMS), the International Statistical Institute (ISI) and the Royal Statistical Society (RSS), the Bernoulli Society has set up a new international statistics medal, commemorating the life and work of Sir David Cox.

The award, called the David Cox Medal for Statistics, will recognise researchers in the fields of statistical theory, methodology and applications whose work is original, with conceptual depth and novelty, and which moves the field or a substantive application area forward.

Sir David Cox, a pioneering statistical researcher who introduced numerous innovations, published his seminal paper on regression models at the age of 48. In memory of this, medals are to be given to mid-career researchers, with an age limit of 50 (with exceptions to be made for extenuating circumstances). Nominations will not be restricted to members of the awarding societies.

Bernoulli Society President Victor Panaretos remarked, “David Cox left his mark on our discipline, by way of his transformative research, his mentoring of young statisticians, and his committed service from numerous important posts– including as Bernoulli Society President. It is only fitting to celebrate his legacy with this new award, indeed an award that I believe has the potential to bring additional visibility to our field. I’m especially proud that this project was first conceived and initiated by the Bernoulli Society, and very pleased that it has garnered support from so many partner Societies.”

Awarded to three statisticians every three years, the prize will be decided by a selection committee representing all the involved societies, with a rotating chair.

Nominations are now open and will be closing on 31 October 2024.

More information and the nomination form can be found on our website here.


General News

Wolfgang Doeblin Prize – Recipient

Giuseppe Cannizzaro (University of Warwick and EPSRC Fellow, UK) has been awarded the 2024 Wolfgang Doeblin Prize. This prestigious recognition highlights his exceptional contributions to the field of stochastic partial differential equations and his outstanding achievements in the application of these equations to non-equilibrium statistical physics. Professor Giuseppe Cannizzaro will present a lecture at the 44th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications, which will take place in Wrocław on July 14–18, 2025. More details about this award can be found here.

Ethel Newbold Prize – Call for Nominations

The Bernoulli Society’s Newbold Prize Committee invites nominations for the 2025 Ethel Newbold Prize. Established in 2014, this biennial prize honours the significant contributions of women to the field of statistics. The award, generously supported by Wiley, recognises excellence in statistics without regard to the gender of the recipient. The Ethel Newbold Prize will be awarded to an outstanding early or mid-career scientist whose work demonstrates excellence in mathematical statistics or in research that links developments in a substantive field to new advances in statistics. The award consists of the prize amount of 2500 EUR together with an award certificate. The recipient will also be invited to present a talk at the next Bernoulli-IMS World Congress, a Bernoulli-sponsored major conference, or the ISI World Statistics Congress. The prize will only be awarded if the set of nominations includes candidates of both genders. Nominations should include a letter outlining the nominee's achievements and contributions and a recent curriculum vitae of the nominee. In order to nominate someone, please send your nomination and any inquiries to Adrian Röllin at The deadline for submissions is November 30th, 2024. The winner will be announced in early 2025.

European Meeting of Statisticians – Call for Proposals

The Bernoulli Society is excited to announce a call for proposals for hosting the European Meeting of Statisticians (EMS) in 2026, 2027 and 2029. The European Meetings of Statisticians are central events for statistics and probability in Europe and worldwide. The meetings should be the natural forum where all European statisticians and probabilists meet to exchange ideas and learn about the latest scientific developments. The EMS is typically held in June or July at a time of year that helps maximize attendance, although timing may vary depending on the local circumstances of the chosen venue. The venue should be a location accessible to a large proportion of Bernoulli membership and European researchers. Anyone interested in hosting either EMS 2026, EMS 2027 or EMS 2029 should contact who can provide detailed information for guidance on what is required. Pre-proposals to host EMS 2026 are particularly encouraged and can still be submitted, until September 20th, 2024.

Warning: Phishing Attempt

In the last months a phishing attempt is underway, targeting members of our Society. The author poses as the as the Society's president, and asks for urgent help and/or a wire transfer. Please ignore/delete any such emails. More generally, if you are ever doubtful about the authenticity of an email appearing to originate from a Bernoulli Society officer, please do not hesitate to double-check with the specific officer directly but using the email in their official webpage (not responding to the suspicious email). You can also contact the Society's secretariat at

2024 Rousseeuw Prize goes to The False Discovery Rate

The international jury appointed by the King Baudouin Foundation has selected the the topic The False Discovery Rate (FDR) and Methods to Control It as the recipient of the 2024 Rousseeuw Prize for Statistics. The laureates of the prize are Yoav Benjamini, Daniel Yekutieli, and Ruth Heller. The jury also recognizes the important contribution of Yosef Hochberg, who sadly is no longer alive. More details about this award can be found here.


Past Event Highlights

Pre-Meeting for Young Researchers of the BS-IMS World Congress 2024

The Pre-Meeting for Young Researchers of the BS-IMS World Congress 2024 took place from August 10–11 in Essen. The meeting hosted over 90 PhD students and postdocs with backgrounds in statistics, probability and data science. The program featured a scientific day with lectures of Emmanuel Candès, Remco van der Hofstad and Susan Murphy, and a career day with several panels and workshops. Funding from several sources supported 8 scholarships for young researchers from low-income countries and the accommodation of more than 50 participants.

XXVII Brazilian School of Probability

The XXVII Brazilian School of Probability took place on August 5–9 in Salvador, Brazil. The program featured courses by Frank den Hollander and Alessandra Cipriani, along with numerous talks by renowned researchers. Funding from several sources supported around one hundred participants, including PhD students, postdocs, and probability researchers from around the world. Photos and information are available at

Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen Memorial Conference

From May 29–31, around 80 researchers gathered at Aarhus University in Denmark to celebrate the life and extraordinary scientific achievements of Ole E. Barndorff-Nielsen (1935–2022). The conference featured keynote lectures by Michael Sørensen, Heather Battey, Neil Shephard, and Almut Veraart, highlighting Ole’s remarkable contributions to various areas of statistics. Attendees also shared personal anecdotes, celebrating Ole's enduring impact on the field and his support for young researchers. The event was supported by various research grants and the Bernoulli Society.


Events Sponsored and Co-Sponsored by Bernoulli Society

44th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications 2025

July 14–18, 2025
Wrocław, Poland

The 44th Conference on Stochastic Processes and their Applications will be held in July 2025 in Wrocław, Poland. The Bernoulli Society's Council Meeting, General Assembly and installation of the new Executive and Council will take place during this event. SPA Conferences are organised under patronage of the Bernoulli Society and can justifiably be regarded as the most important international scientific meeting on the theory and applications of stochastic processes. They are held annually except for the years when the World Congress in Probability and Statistics takes place. Refer to the conference website for any updates, as well as for further details on the conference.

24th European Young Statisticians Meeting 2025

July 21–25, 2025
Turin, Italy

The 24th European Young Statisticians Meeting will take place in July 2025, hosted by Collegio Carlo Alberto in Turin, Italy. The European Young Statisticians Meetings are held every two years under the auspices of the European Regional Committee of the Bernoulli Society. The aim is to provide a scientific forum for the next generation of European researchers in probability theory and statistics. Participation is by invitation only. Check the conference website for further details.

65th ISI World Statistics Congress 2025

October 5–9, 2025
The Hague, Netherlands

The 65th ISI World Statistics Congress will be held in October 2025 in The Hague, Netherlands. It takes place every two years, since 1887, and it represents the leading congress on statistics and data science worldwide. The programme will span the full field of statistics and data science including academia, business, industry, government and official statistics in line with the breadth of the ISI and the Associations affiliated with the ISI. Please note that the conference has been postponed from July to October. Refer to the conference website for any updates, as well as for further details on the conference.


Job Offers

Open Rank Faculty Search in Statistics – EPFL

The Institute of Mathematics of the EPFL is conducting an open-rank search for a Professor in Statistics. Appointment can be at the Tenure Track, Associate or Full Professor levels. We seek outstanding candidates with research interests in any domain of core statistical inference, including methodology, theory, or applications. Indicative areas include, but are not restricted to, computationally intensive inference, large-scale and/or high-dimensional inference, and penalised and/or nonparametric inference. For more information, including how to apply, please consult the webpage here.

Faculty Position in Computational and Applied Mathematics – EPFL

The Institute of Mathematics of the EPFL seeks to appoint a tenured Associate/Full Professor in Computational and Applied Mathematics. We seek outstanding candidates who will play a major role in further developing research and education at EPFL in computational and applied mathematics, with research interests in core topics of the area, including but not restricted to computational aspects of multiscale, multiphysics and stochastic modeling, as well as numerical simulation of dynamical systems, scientific machine learning, and/or reduced order modeling. For more information, including how to apply, please consult the webpage here.

Faculty Position in Mathematics – EPFL

The Institute of Mathematics of the EPFL seeks to fill a faculty position in Mathematics at the level of Tenure Track Assistant Professor. We seek outstanding candidates with research interests in any area of geometry, analysis, and / or probability. This should be broadly construed and includes, but is not limited to, harmonic analysis, geometric analysis, PDE theory, stochastic analysis, differential geometry, random geometry, etc. For more information, including how to apply, please consult the webpage here.


Recent Issues of Official and Sponsored Publications

Official Publications of the Bernoulli Society


Stochastic Processes and their Applications

SpringerBriefs in Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Co-Sponsored Publications

Have a look at for the latest articles in Electronic Communications in Probability, Electronic Journal of Probability, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Probability Surveys, Statistics Surveys, and ALEA.

Bernoulli News

Latest issue at