ISI - International Statistical Institute December 2020

You are invited to visit the ISI website to read news on the following:

Messages & Reports
President's Column: 2020 in Review; 2021+ in Preview

In his December column, the ISI President John Bailer reviews the ISI achievements in 2020 and looks ahead to 2021.

Calls & Announcements
ISI signs an MoU with LISA

ISI is happy to announce a Memorandum of Understanding with the Laboratory for Interdisciplinary Statistical Analysis at the University of Colorado Boulder, USA.

Competitions & Awards
Call for nominations for the 2021 Mahalanobis International Award

The Mahalanobis International Award, sponsored by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation of the Government of India, recognizes an individual for lifetime achievements in statistics in developing country or region. The deadline for nominations is 14 January 2021.

The Founders of Statistics Prize – Call for Nominations

Formerly known as Karl Pearson Prize, the Founders of Statistics Prize recognizes a research contribution that has had profound influence on statistical theory, methodology, practice, or applications. The deadline for nominations is 7 January 2021.

Call for applications for the 2021 ISI Jan Tinbergen Awards

The ISI Jan Tinbergen Awards are for best papers for the biennial World Statistics Congresses (WSC) by young statisticians. Each award consists of €2,500 prize money and complimentary WSC registration. The deadline for applications is 4 January 2021.

ISI and Esri Spatial Thinking Student Competition

ISI and Esri are sponsoring the 2020/21 Spatial Thinking Student Competition. Entry topics may include statistics and data science or focus on areas of the economy, society, and the environment. Enter the contest by 1 January 2021 for a chance to win and be recognized for your GIS, spatial analysis, and storytelling skills.

International Statistical Review free access to ISI individual members

We are pleased to announce that the ISI flagship journal International Statistical Review will be freely accessible to all individual ISI members starting 1 January 2021.

Committees' News
Online Workshop “Tidyverse for Data Science”

This workshop was organized by LISA 2020 Network and supported by the ISI in the context of capacity building in Pakistan and the Year of Women in Statistics and Data Science.

News from the ISI SCB Committee

Read about the webinars, courses and other events organized by the ISI Statistical Capacity Building (SCB) Committee for residents of developing countries with the support of the World Bank Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Building.

Associations' News
SJIAOS: December 2020 issue and call for papers

The themes of the December issue of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS are COVID-19 and Progress in the UN ESCAP (Asia Pacific) member countries in producing and disseminating official statistics. The journal welcomes papers on important topics relevant to official statistics.

Young Statisticians Prize 2021

This international prize, designed to encourage more young statisticians to take an active interest in official statistics, is awarded for the best paper in the field of official statistics written by a young statistician. Submissions are due by 12 February 2020.

International Data, Education, and Society Online Congress

The University of Grenada in Spain is organizing an international conference on Data, Education, and Society from 25 to 27 January 2021.


6th IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting Postponed

The sixth Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting (IMS-APRM) initially scheduled for 5 -8 January 2021 has been postponed until January 2022.

Nominations for David G. Kendall Award

The Bernoulli Society and the Royal Statistical Society welcome nominations for the David G. Kendall Award. The deadline is 31 January 2021.


The International Virtual Conference on Advanced Statistical Techniques in Business and Industry (ISBISKOCHI2020) will take place at Cochin University of Science and Technology, India, on 28-30 December 2020.

Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation (JDSSV) - Call for papers

JDSSV is an international refereed journal launched this year with the aim of creating a forum for presenting recent progress and ideas in the different disciplines of data science, statistics, and visualization.

3rd LARS-IASC School on Computational Statistics and Data Science

The third LARS-IASC School on Computational Statistics and Data Science will be held fully online via Whova from 17-18 April 2021.

LACSC 2021: Submissions due by 11 January 2021

The 5th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing LACSC 2021 will be held fully online via Whova from 19-21 April 2021.

Spatial and Temporal Statistics Symposium (STSS)
The STSS will be held virtually on 17–19 February 2021.
TIES Best Student Presentation Award 2020 Winners

TIES announces the winners of the 2020 Best Student Presentation competition held during the TIES 2020 Virtual Conference on 2-4 December 2020.

First Event on Play with Real Data

Jointly organized by AGNA, Bu-Ali Sina University, y-BIS, ISI and SDAT, the event will provide an opportunity for both data holders and data analyzers to learn extract maximum value from their data.

IASE Satellite Conference 2021 “Statistics Education in the Era of Data Science"

The Programme Committee of the 2021 IASE satellite conference has rescheduled the conference to 30 August – 4 September 2021.

ICME14 Conference in Hybrid Mode

The 14th International Congress on Mathematical Education has been rescheduled to 11 - 18 July 2021.

Leading Women in Business and Industrial Statistics Webinar Series

The first webinar in this recently created ISBIS series took place on 1 December 2020 under the topic “The Social Structure of Financial Networks”.

Other News
Stats+Stories: A podcast about the statistics behind the stories and the stories behind the statistics
Listen to the latest episodes with Sharon Lohr, Penelope Abernathy, Robert Mastrodomenico and Claudia Schneider.
News from IASI

Read the latest news from the Inter-American Statistical Institute (IASI). 


If you have any news, suggestions or wishes, please contact You may also e-mail us information you would like to share with others.

Ada van Krimpen - ISI Director

Statistical Science for a Better World

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