ISI - International Statistical Institute January 2021

You are invited to visit the ISI website to read news on the following:

Messages & Reports
President's Column: Continuing Strong in 2021

Read the January column of the ISI President John Bailer providing an account of the ISI activities for the coming period including the WSC 2021, the IYWSDS and the forthcoming ISI member survey.

Director's Column: What will 2021 bring us?

In her January column ISI Director Ada van Krimpen expresses hope for a good and successful 2021and describes ISI’s plans for the near future.

Competitions & Awards
Call for nominations for the 2021 Mahalanobis International Award
The Mahalanobis International Award, sponsored by the Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation of the Government of India, recognizes an individual for lifetime achievements in statistics in developing country or region. The deadline for nominations is 15 February 2021.
The Founders of Statistics Prize – Call for Nominations
Formerly known as Karl Pearson Prize, the Founders of Statistics Prize recognizes a research contribution that has had profound influence on statistical theory, methodology, practice, or applications. The deadline for nominations is 15 February 2021.
Call for applications for the 2021 ISI Jan Tinbergen Awards

The ISI Jan Tinbergen Awards are for best papers for the biennial World Statistics Congresses (WSC) by young statisticians. Each award consists of €2,500 prize money and complimentary WSC registration. The deadline for applications is 15 February 2021.

ISI and Esri Spatial Thinking Student Competition
ISI and Esri are sponsoring the 2020/21 Spatial Thinking Student Competition. Entry topics may include statistics and data science or focus on areas of the economy, society, and the environment. Enter the contest by 1 March 2021 for a chance to win and be recognized for your GIS, spatial analysis, and storytelling skills.
International Statistical Review Special Issue

The December 2020 issue of ISR (Volume 88, Issue S1) is a special issue featuring International Prize in Statistics Winner Brad Efron.

Stat – ISI’s Journal for the Rapid Dissemination of Statistics Research

Read the latest news on the journal Stat, including updates on special issues and the new free format for submissions.

ISI & Associations Webinar Programme
Leading Women in Business and Industrial Statistics Webinar Series

The third part of the webinar series titled “A statistician reads the news: Statistics and data science challenges in content analytics” will be held on 19 February 2021.

Successful First IASC-LARS Webinar on Computational Statistics and Data Science

The Latin American Regional Section of the IASC held its first successful Webinar on Statistical Inference in Markov Processes. The course was attended by 71 students from 24 countries.

IASC - LARS Webinar on Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis

The Latin American Regional Section of the IASC invites postgraduate and undergraduate students to attend the Webinar Course “Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis” on 23-25 February 2021. The deadline for applications is 10 February.

y-BIS Data Science in Industry Webinar

y-BIS, the young members wing of ISBIS, is pleased to announce a webinar session targeted at PhD students and young statisticians to be held on 28 January 2021.

Leading Women in Business and Industrial Statistics Webinar Series

The second part of the webinar series titled “Quantitative Finance and the Critical Role of Statistics and Data Science” will be held on 22 January 2021.

Members' News
In Memoriam: Seppo S. Laaksonen

Seppo S. Laaksonen, ISI Elected member and Professor Emeritus of Social Statistics in the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Helsinki, passed away on 20 December 2020.

Associations' News
ISBIS 2021 Satellite Meeting

The ISBIS 2021 satellite meeting will be held virtually on 7 May 2021, from 2.00-5.00 pm CET.

Submission deadline for LACSC 2021 extended until 10 February 2021

The 5th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing LACSC 2021 will be held fully online from 19 to 21 April 2021.

New ISI Elected Members from IASC

The IASC-ISI Nomination Committee congratulates four new ISI elected members from IASC

New ASMBI Special issue

ASMBI (Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry), the official ISBIS journal, recently published a special issue devoted to selected papers from the 36th ASA Quality and Productivity Research Conference QPRC-2019.

Submission for the Young Statisticians Prize 2021 closing soon

This international prize, designed to encourage more young statisticians to take an active interest in official statistics, is awarded for the best paper in the field of official statistics written by a young statistician. Submissions are due by 12 February 2020.

IASS Cochran-Hansen Award: Call for submissions

IASS invites submission of papers for the 2021 edition of the Cochran-Hansen award for young statisticians from developing countries. The deadline for submissions is 15 February 2021.

SJIAOS: December 2020 Issue and Call for Papers

The themes of the December issue of the Statistical Journal of the IAOS are COVID-19 and Progress in the UN ESCAP (Asia Pacific) member countries in producing and disseminating official statistics. The journal welcomes papers on important topics relevant to official statistics.

Additional Prizes for IASC Data Analysis Competition 2021

In addition to travel awards and IASC membership award for the winners, additional book prizes will be offered by Springer.

Submission deadlines for 3rd IASC-LARS School extended until 10 February 2021

The Third IASC-LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science will be held fully online from 17-18 April 2021.

Mathematics Education for the Future Conference - Deadline Extension

The 16th International Conference of the Mathematics Education for the Future project, titled "Building on the past to prepare for the future", is planned as an in-person meeting at King's College of Cambridge University, United Kingdom.

USCOTS 2021 - Virtual Conference

The U.S. Conference on Teaching Statistics (USCOTS) will be held virtually from 28 June to 1 July 2021 under the theme “Expanding Opportunities."

Bernoulli Society: Nominations for the Latin American Regional Committee

The Latin American Regional Committee (LARC) of the Bernoulli Society has nominated new candidates for the renewal of the Committee.

Nominations for David G. Kendall Award closing soon

There is still time to nominate for the inaugural David G. Kendall Award, the deadline is 31 January 2021. This new prize for an excellent young researcher will be awarded every two years.

Journal of Statistics, Data Science, and Visualisation receives sponsoring

Financial support guarantees that JDSSV is completely open access without any costs for the readers and the authors.

Summary of news from the IASC Executive Committee

The IASC Executive Committee would like to thank its sponsors and donors for generously offering support to IASC in 2020.


If you have any news, suggestions or wishes, please contact You may also e-mail us information you would like to share with others.

Ada van Krimpen - ISI Director

Statistical Science for a Better World

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