ISI - International Statistical Institute March 2021

You are invited to visit the ISI website to read news on the following:

Messages & Reports
President's Column: Projecting Our Voice
In his March column, President John Bailer focuses on the topic of increasing ISI’s public voice of statistics, the second of ISI's strategic priorities.

World Statistics Congress (WSC)
Virtual ISI World Statistics Congress 2021 – Call for Contributed Paper/Poster Proposals

You are invited to submit your abstracts for Contributed Talks/Posters by 22 March 2021.


Statistical Journal of the IAOS - March issue

The March 2021 issue of the SJIAOS covers the themes of ‘The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic’ and ‘Misuse of statistics: Time to speak out’.


Stat special issue on 'Statistical Network Analysis'

Stat invites submissions for its special issue "Statistical Network Analysis" (co-editors: Ji Zhu and Helen Zhang).


JDSSV first issue available soon

The International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) is pleased to announce that the first issue of the Journal of Data Science, Statistics, and Visualisation (JDSSV) will become available online before the summer 2021.


Committees' News
News from the ISI Statistical Capacity Building Committee

Read about the launch of a new online course on data science and the Committee’s partnership with the West Africa Young Statisticians Association.


Volunteers sought for hosting an Outreach Tea for girls and their parents

The International Year of Women in Statistics and Data Science Working Group is looking for volunteers to host an outreach “tea” in your local area to introduce girls and their parents to careers in statistics and data science.


Members' News
In Memoriam: Lars Lyberg

We regret to announce the passing of ISI Elected Member Professor Lars Lyberg on 1 March 2021.


In Memoriam: Donald A.S. Fraser

We regret to announce the passing of ISI Elected Member Dr. Donald A.S. Fraser on 21 December 2020.


The RSS Guy Medal in Silver awarded to Håvard Rue

The Guy Medal in Silver is awarded to an ISI Elected Member Håvard Rue for his substantial and significant contributions in the area of efficient and scalable computational techniques for the data analysts’ toolbox.


Aurel Schubert appointed Chair of ESGAB

The Council of the European Union appointed ISI Council Member Aurel Schubert to serve as the Chair of the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board (ESGAB) starting 1 February 2021.


Associations' News
3rd IASC-LARS School: Registration still open!

The registration for the 3rd IASC-LARS School on Computational Statistics and Data Science will remain open until 16 April 2021.


Forthcoming event: Just a few weeks away from LACSC 2021!

The 5th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing LACSC 2021 will be held online from 19-21 April 2021.


Successful 2nd IASC-LARS Webinar on Geostatistical Functional Data Analysis

The webinar was held from 23-25 February 2021 and attended by 84 students from around the world.


IASS Webinar: The use of Administrative Data to Produce the First Wave of Italian Permanent Census Estimates

This 6th webinar of the International Association of Survey Statisticians will take place on 25 March, 11.00 am CET. The speakers are Nicoletta Cibella and Angela Chieppa, Istat.


IAOS 2022 Conference - Save the date!

The International Association for Official Statistics is pleased to announce that the IAOS 2022 Conference organized in collaboration with Statistics Poland, will be held from 26-28 April 2022 in Krakow, Poland.


ISBIS 2021 Satellite Meeting
The virtual ISBIS 2021 satellite meeting will take place on 7 May 2021 from 14.00 to 17.00 pm CET.

Leading Women in Business and Industrial Statistics Webinar Series

“Growing Team Synergy for Analyzing IoT Streams for Risk Assessment”. The webinar will take place on 23 March 2021, 16.00-17.00 CET.


Misuse of Statistics: Time to Speak Out – IAOS webinar

The webinar, held as a side event to the 52nd UN Statistical Commission, brought together a wide range of speakers covering ethical, philosophical and official statistical perspectives.


IAOS 2021-2023 Executive Committee election result

The IAOS Nominating committee has announced the members of the 2021-2023 IAOS Executive Committee to serve under President Misha Belkindas and President-Elect Dominik Rozkrut.


New Council Members of the Bernoulli Society

The Scientific Secretary of the Bernoulli Society Song Xi Chen announced six candidates who will serve as ordinary members of the BS Council from August 2021 to August 2025.


Extreme Value Analysis Conference (EVA 2021)

The EVA 2021 conference will be held fully online from 28 June - 02 July 2021.


BS-IMS-WC 2021 in Probability and Statistics

The 10th Bernoulli-IMS World Congress (BS-IMS-WC) in Probability and Statistics will be held virtually from 19-23 July 2021.


TIES 2021 Conference

The International Environmetrics Society (TIES) is pleased to announce that the postponed 29h TIES-GRASPA 2021 conference will be held online later this year.


Mathematics Education for the Future Conference postponed to August 2022

Due to COVID-19 pandemic restrictions, the 16th international conference of the Mathematics Education for the Future project has been postponed from 2021 to 2022.


ICOTS 11 Preparations: Survey on possible dates

The timing of ICOTS 11, the 11th International Conference on Teaching Statistics, is under consideration. IASE members are invited to express their timing preferences.


ISLP: Best Cooperative Award 2021

The International Statistical Literacy Project welcomes applications for the Best Cooperative Award 2021. Enter the competition by the end of March for a chance to win 1000 euros prize money!


Other News
Stats+Stories: A podcast about the statistics behind the stories and the stories behind the statistics

Listen to the latest episodes with Emily Hadley, Marie McAuliffe and Tim Harford.


The International Abstract of Economic Statistics digitized

Good news for members with an interest in historic data! The Bank of England has recently digitized the International Abstract of Economic Statistics, which ISI published as the main abstract of International Economic Statistics before the UN was set up.


Side Event of the 52nd Session of UNSC ”Modernization of Statistical Systems with GIS” - Recording now available

The recording of the UN Statistical Commission Side Event: Modernization of Statistical Systems with GIS is now available. Hear from guest speakers from the UAE FCSC, Australian Bureau of Statistics, and DANE.


Zoom Seminar on Teaching During Pandemic

The Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences (TSHS) of the American Statistical Association is presenting a free Zoom webinar on "Teaching statistics online during the pandemic – sharing experiences from multiple continents".


If you have any news, suggestions or wishes, please contact You may also e-mail us information you would like to share with others.

Ada van Krimpen - ISI Director

Statistical Science for a Better World

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