ISI and IAOS express call for an end to the persecuting of Andreas Georgiou
The ISI and IAOS restate their concern about the continued prosecution of Andreas Georgiou and the damage it has caused to the scientific integrity of highly regarded work addressing Greece’s problematic fiscal statistical reporting from the 2000s.
The ISI pre-WSC short courses programme, organized in cooperation with the ISI Associations, will run from 6 May – 1 July 2021. We invite ISI members as well as the broader statistical community to participate in the programme.
Call for proposals for the layout of possible ISI magazine
ISI is exploring the possibility of launching an easy-to-read but smart and entertaining ISI magazine. We invite interested ISI members to submit proposals for the layout of the magazine.
International Prize in Statistics Awarded to Nan Laird
The 2021 International Prize in Statistics has been awarded to US biostatistician Nan Laird in recognition of her work on powerful methods that have made possible the analysis of complex longitudinal studies.
International Statistical Review – April 2021 issue
The latest issue of the International Statistical Review including an open access article on statistical analysis of social media data by Martina Patone & Li‐Chun Zhang is now available to read online.
Stat has published a virtual issue compiling recent articles in the journal on COVID-19. Statistical Research on Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) presents new statistical models, data analysis, and research findings on COVID-19.
Significance is a bimonthly magazine for anyone interested in statistics and the analysis and interpretation of data. The April 2021 issue is now available to read online.
IASC Data Analysis Competition 2021: Submissions due by 30 April
The International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) invites submissions for the Data Analysis Competition. The focus of the 2021 competition is the analysis of quality-of-life related data.
The postponed 2020 Spring Course on “Robust Statistics: Foundations and Recent Developments” organized by Francesca Greselin, Lake Como School of Advanced Studies, will take place on 4-8 October 2021. The new registration deadline is 2 September 2021.
The 24th International Conference on Computational Statistics (COMPSTAT 2021) at the University of Bologna, Italy has been rescheduled to 23-26 August 2022.
Webinar: An Introduction to Functional Data Analysis for Density Functions in Bayes Spaces
PhD and Master students, researchers in statistics and data analysis are invited to participate in this webinar taking place on 29-30 April 2021, 14.00-17.00 CEST.
The International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) welcomes applications of young researchers for scholarships to support their participation in the DSSV 2021 Conference.
The first Information Note for the 2022 IAOS Conference to be held in Krakow from 26-28 April 2022 in collaboration with Statistics Poland is now available.
Caucus for Women in Statistics celebrating its 50th anniversary
The Caucus for Women in Statistics (CWS) has organized various events in honour of its 50th anniversary this year. The next event on 22 April will be the fourth monthly Madam President Happy Hour featuring two of CWS past presidents.
International Conference on Statistics for Sustainable Finance
The conference, jointly organised by the Banque de France, the Deutsche Bundesbank, and the Irving Fisher Committee (IFC) on Central Bank Statistics of the Bank for International Settlements, will take place in Paris on 14-15 September 2021.
The IBS has extended the deadline for submissions of Invited Session proposals for the 31st International Biometrics Conference in Riga, Latvia until 23 April 2021.
Contact If you have any news, suggestions or wishes, please contact You may also e-mail us information you would like to share with others.