ISI - International Statistical Institute June 2021

You are invited to visit the ISI website to read news on the following:

Messages & Reports
President’s Column: Responding to professional call(s)

In his penultimate President’s column, John Bailer reflects on his work in statistics as being a collection of calls and invites the members to do the same.


World Statistics Congress (WSC)
Virtual ISI World Statistics Congress 2021 Registration

Register before 23 June in order to have the early bird rate. From 24 June, registration fees will increase for all delegates.


ISI Short Courses 2021 – Register and obtain a certificate!

The ISI pre-WSC short courses programme, organized in cooperation with the ISI Associations, runs from 6 May – 1 July 2021. We invite ISI members as well as the broader statistical community to participate in the programme.


Satellite Meetings

See our overview of Satellite Meetings to the ISI WSC 2021! Visit the meeting's website for more information on the meeting theme(s) and registration.



Calls & Announcements
ISI & IBS Young Ambassadors

The International Biometric Society (IBS) and the ISI are thrilled to announce two ISI & IBS Young Ambassadors who have been selected to participate in the Virtual ISI WSC 2021.


New! Significance - volume 18, issue 3

Significance is a bimonthly magazine for anyone interested in statistics and the analysis and interpretation of data. The June 2021 issue is now available to read online.


Members' News
In Memoriam: Dr. J. Leroy Folks

We regret to announce the death of ISI Elected Member Dr. J. Leroy Folks on 6 June 2021.


C.R. Rao: A Life in Statistics

Watch this wonderful documentary summarizing C.R. Rao’s life and contributions by producers Tejaswini Rao and Veerendra C. Rao and director Rahul Koda.


In Memoriam: James P.M. Ntozi

We regret to announce the passing of ISI Elected Member Dr. James P. M. Ntozi on 19 May 2021.


Associations' News
IASC-ARS 2022: Call for Contributed Talks and E-posters

The 11th conference of the Asian Regional Section of IASC will take place at Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan (delivered in a hybrid format) between 21-24 February 2022.


DSSV-ECDA Data Science, Statistics & Visualisation and European Conference on Data Analysis

Registration is open for the joint virtual conference taking place on 7-9 July 2021, hosted by the Erasmus University Rotterdam.


IASC-ERS Webinar on Functional Data Analysis for Density Functions in Bayes Spaces

The webinar was held on 29-30 April 2021 and attracted 175 participants from 44 different countries.


SJIAOS and Official Statistics Platform

The latest discussion topic on the Official Statistics Discussion platform is on Misuse of Statistics: Time to Speak Out.


IASC General Assembly

The IASC 2021 General Assembly (GA) will take place on Wednesday, 8 September 2021, 15:00-17:00 CEST, as a virtual event.


Election of the IASC Executive Committee 2021-2023

IASC holds its election for the 2021-2023 Executive Committee between 1-30 June 2021.


IAOS 2022 Conference

The 2022 International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) Conference will be held in Krakow, Poland from 26-28 April 2022.


IASC announces the results of the Data Analysis Competition 2021

The first place award including a travel grant and a book prize, is awarded to J. Sousa Pimentel, R. Bulhoes, V. Mesquita, P. Canas Rodrigues for their poster ‘Spatio-temporal modelling of Brazilian wildfires’.


Webinar ‘Methodology for a Household Based COVID-19 Testing Survey in Paraíba State – Brazil’

The International Association of Survey Statisticians (IASS) invites all interested to attend this webinar to be held on 25 June 2021 at 13.00-14.30 CEST.


Leading Women in Business and Industrial Statistics Webinar Series

Sequential Design of Experiments and Some New Space-Filling Designs – 6 July 2021


IAOS General Assembly

The 2021 International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS) General Assembly will be held on 8 July 2021 at 14.00 -15.00 CEST.


Virtual Bernoulli Society General Assembly

The Bernoulli Society General Assembly will be held virtually on 8 July 2021 at 15:00-15:30 CEST.


Bernoulli-IMS 10th World Congress in Probability and Statistics (BS-IMS-WC)

Register for the Congress by 20 June 2021 to profit from the early bird registration fee.


Ewain Gwynne wins inaugural David G. Kendall Award

The David G. Kendall award for young researchers is awarded jointly by the Bernoulli Society and the Royal Statistical Society to recognize excellent research in Mathematical Statistics and in Probability Theory.


Other News
Former ELSTAT chief elected member of European Statistical Governance Advisory Board

Andreas Georgiou, the former head of the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), was voted as the European Parliament’s representative at the European Statistical Governance Advisory Board (ESGAB).


IBC2022: 31st International Biometric Conference and Short Courses

IBC2022 will be held from 11-15 July 2022 in Riga, Latvia. The conference will be preceded by a programme of short courses on 10 July 2022.


Stats+Stories: A podcast about the statistics behind the stories and the stories behind the statistics

Listen to the latest episodes with Harrison Schramm (‘The Impact of Remote Learning’), Xiao-Li Meng (‘Big Data Soup’) and Tom Braun & Emily Morris (‘STATCOM’).


8th European Congress of Mathematics (8ECM)

The 8ECM will be held virtually from 20-26 June 2021.


Statistical Methods in Finance 2021

The sixth conference and workshop on Statistical Methods in Finance will be held virtually on 28 June –2 July 2021.


The role of statistical agencies in societies and why professional independence is its indispensable foundation

This webinar is organized on the occasion of the presentation of the book “Why Inegi? The saga of a Mexican institution in search of the truth” by Mario Palma and will take place on 29 June 2021.


If you have any news, suggestions or wishes, please contact You may also e-mail us information you would like to share with others.

Ada van Krimpen - ISI Director

Statistical Science for a Better World

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