From 1885 to 2020: 135th Anniversary of the ISI and its Founding Members
This fifth of the series of articles about the 135th anniversary of the ISI written by Jean-Louis Bodin, is dedicated to the ISI’s first elected and honorary members.
IASC Data Analysis Competition 2021 - Call for submissions
The International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC) invites submissions for the Data Analysis Competition. The focus of the 2021 competition is the analysis of quality-of-life related data.
New David G Kendall Award for Young Researchers - Call for Nominations
The Bernoulli Society and the Royal Statistical Society have joined forces to launch a new award named in honour of David G Kendall, inaugural president of the Bernoulli Society and the 1981 recipient of the RSS Guy Medal in Gold.
Upcoming Webinar - Misuse of Statistics: Time to Speak Out
Organized by the IAOS in conjunction with the ISI and supported by the World Bank Trust Fund for Statistical Capacity Development, the webinar will be held on 6 October 2020, 14.00-16.00 CET.
ISI Pearson Prize Lecture at the 30th Conference of the IBS
During a session hosted by the International Biometric Society at its 30th Conference in August 2020, ISI President John Bailer presented the ISI Karl Pearson Prize to the 2019 winner Yoav Benjamini.
English edition of Statistics in Steps now available
Written by an ISI Elected member and an independent research consultant Nel Verhoeven, Statistics in Steps describes a methodology that makes statistics comprehensible for students and lecturers.
Call from the ISI Committee on the History of Statistics
The ISI Committee on the History of Statistics currently works on preparing reading material about important figures in statistical science who spent the major part of their careers outside Europe or North America.
News from the International Association for Statistical Computing (IASC)
Read about the IASC’s plans to establish a North American Regional Section (NARS), the recent virtual meeting of the IASC EC and the General Assembly, the Data Analysis Competition 2021 and more.
Despite the challenges caused by the coronavirus, the ISLP Poster Competition 2020-2021 and the Best Cooperative Award have stared. There is still time to register your country or team for the competitions. For details please see
News from the International Association for Official Statistics (IAOS)
This month’s news update covers several IAOS initiatives including the upcoming webinar ‘Misuse of Statistics: Time to Speak Out’, the 2021 Young Statisticians Prize, an update on the 2020 IAOS conference in Zambia and more.
News from The International Environmetrics Society (TIES)
Read about the upcoming virtual conference of TIES entitled “Frontiers in Statistics, Epidemiology and the Environment” and three new committees which started their work on 1 September 2020.
The September 2020 news update from the Bernoulli Society includes a brief report of the Bernoulli-IMS One World Symposium, a call for nominations for the chair of the BS Committee on Probability and Statistics in the Physical Sciences, and a call for nominations for the 2021 COPSS Awards.
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